Antonio DeSoto

Antonio DeSoto

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Antonio DeSoto

Account Executive

As an account executive at Peppercomm, my top priority is to ensure that brands are positioning themselves above and beyond expectations with creative and assertive tactics.

My ability to do so is rooted in my past work experiences in diverse roles. I took on multiple internships throughout my college career that gave me valuable experience in both the advertising and PR spaces. I even promoted an immersive technology conference called OrlandoiX, where I learned the value of both traditional media and digital media efforts.

My proudest moment would be the stellar attendance I was able to pull in at OrlandoiX through well-executed social media presence and community engagement. When I saw the tangible results of my first marketing effort, I knew that I was in the right place.

Growing up in Jacksonville, FL, I got the small town culture in a fairly big city. I knew this wasn’t for me, though, so I went on to the second largest university in the country, UCF, and pursued my advertising/PR degree there. In my spare time, I love reading, gaming, and suffering through multiple sports fandoms.



A sense of humor means to me:

A sense of humor means not taking yourself seriously.

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