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Trisha Bruynell
Vice President
I am currently based in London, with nearly a decade of experience driving strategy and communication for global clients. A storyteller at heart, I’m passionate about the power of strategic communication to solve complex organizational and business challenges my clients are facing today – whether it’s attracting and retaining talent, building an engaged workforce, enacting change, building or protecting brand reputation, or simply outselling the competition.
I drive strategic initiatives and internal communications efforts for B-to-B clients, and am particularly focused on research-driven solutions for improving employee engagement and building employer brands. Prior to London, I worked from Peppercomm’s New York office for over six years, driving strategy and managing integrated campaigns for B-to-B and consumer businesses. Before Peppercomm, I worked at INK & ROSES, where I led communication efforts for a number of Johnson & Johnson consumer and corporate campaigns.
I grew up in South Carolina and still call it home. I hold a B.A. in communication and creative writing from the College of Charleston in South Carolina.
My greatest breakthrough moment was:
Finding value in learning from failures as much as successes
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