The WNBA, LOL ads + a really funny lawyer

Slay, WNBA

We’re so happy that women in sports are finally getting the attention they deserve. From rockin’ it on the court to securing stellar partnerships, these gals are truly changing the way the world thinks – for the better. Check out FastCo’s take on top athletes, their brand deals and why this boom in women’s sports interest is one of the best things to happen in a loooooong time.


+1 for Studio Gilmore

Soooo you’re saying there is an organization out there that helps brands make more money by understanding how and when to use humor? Studio Gilmore, did we just become besties? We’re living for owner Patty Gilmore’s Q+A in MediaCat on putting some LOL within advertising to up your revenue and your client’s POV of you. 🙂 It’s a win-win that we know all too well. 🕺


Divorce lawyer with a degree in savage

This one made us giggle. We loveeeed the funny NJDOT traffic signs, but divorce attorney James McMinn takes the cake in humorous advertising with his totally out of pocket FB marketing tactics to gain attention on his offerings. From the mistake of marrying an Aries (OUCH!!!) to managing multiple bfs, McMinn’s low effort-high reward strategy on sharing reasons for needing him is off the charts. Maybe divorce isn’t really THAT bad.



The person behind this week’s edition of Wit + Wisdom is missin’ home, so please, if you’re in the CT area, get yourself a pie from Frank Pepe’s in New Haven. You won’t regret it and we’ll (I’ll) be super jealous of you.