We all know someone exactly like this

We all know someone exactly like this

Signs you might be taking yourself too seriously: You always insist the valet park your Ford Mustang Dark Horse right in front of the restaurant. You’ve changed your LinkedIn profile pic six times this year – and it’s only October. You refuse to get the titanium iPhone because you’re waiting for the vibranium iPhone. While we can laugh about, the fact is that taking yourself too seriously at work can be a major career blunder. That’s just one of the many tasty tips offered by our very own Steve Cody and his The ROI of LOL co-author Clayton Fletcher on the latest pod drop from Ken Jacobs. Hint: Steve dishes on leaders who take themselves too seriously around 3:50, just in case you want to forward it to your boss. 😉

Did Marty slay or did he slap? You be the judge

We want Martin Scorsese to be our pop-pop. Not only could we watch “Hugo” on a loop in his screening room (free popcorn? yes, please) and play chess with his trophies, but we know he would keep us LOLing endlessly. Who knew that the guy behind “Raging Bull” and “Killers of the Flower Moon” had a fire sense of humor? Check out fun-size (5’4”) Marty with his daughter Francesca absolutely slaying on TikTok. Talk about not taking yourself too seriously!

She cannot win a Grammy for writing “karma is a cat”

Who out there doesn’t just lurv a rebranding? If you don’t, you prolly should just leave now
because we’re about to go there. Who can ever forget these beauties? Philip Morris x Altria (cough! cough!). Restoration Hardware x RH (really, huh?). And of course, Twitter  are you being serious right now? Leave it to The New Yorker to turn rebranding on its head. The way they see it, we need to rebrand climate change so that everyone hates it enough to get off our devices and actually stop it. Our fave is “Taylor Swift Is O.K. but Maybe a Tiny Bit Overrated? Warming.” What’s yours?

Wit +Wisdom


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